Warner Ranch Phase 4

single-family home community located on the

Southwest corner of Ray & Kyrene Roads

in Chandler Arizona.

Non-Emergency Text

Citizens who wish to communicate with the police department through text message may do so by sending a message to our non-emergency number (480) 782-4130.


News from the City of Chandler

Rain and warmer weather bring weeds

With the changing seasons, many types of vegetation grow quickly in lawns throughout the City. That means Chandler residents and property owners should be ready to clean up areas they are responsible for maintaining.

The Chandler Property Maintenance ordinance states property owners or persons in control of any private property are responsible for maintaining their entire premises, ensuring it is free from uncontrolled, unmaintained or overgrown grass or weeds. This includes those areas between the property line and the street. Owners are also responsible for maintenance to the center of their alleys. These areas include one-half (1/2) of the width of abutting alleys from the property line to the center of the alley. Also, keep in mind vegetation should not obstruct public rights-of-way, including streets, sidewalks, signs, fire hydrants and traffic signals. Tree limbs must be maintained to hang no lower than fifteen (15) feet above any public street or alleyway and eight (8) feet above any public sidewalk.

 What is stormwater?

Stormwater is runoff and surface flows generated from rainfall events.

The City’s Stormwater Program helps educate the community on environmental regulations. Chandler works with state and federal regulators to make sure residents understand the effects of stormwater drainage and how to reduce pollutants into the storm drain system.

The City offers free presentations about stormwater pollution prevention for schools, community groups, homeowners and neighborhood associations. Call 480-782-3503 for information.


When it rains in urban areas, the stormwater runs off buildings and paved areas instead of soaking into the ground. The stormwater collection system, also known as the storm drain system, is designed to move stormwater flows along conveyances like city streets and gutters where it is directed into storm drains or spillways constructed along the street, and eventually deposited into retention basins, greenbelt areas, parks and lakes within the community.

No. The stormwater collection system is completely separate from the sanitary sewer system connected to our homes and businesses. The sanitary sewer system delivers wastewater from our sinks, showers, toilets, and washing machines to a wastewater treatment facility where the wastewater is treated and either reused or recharged to groundwater. Stormwater runoff collected in stormwater collection systems is not treated before it infiltrates to groundwater or is discharged to retention basins, greenbelt areas, parks and lakes within the community.

Common pollutants found in stormwater may include but are not limited to, pesticides, fertilizers, litter, pet waste, petroleum products, automotive fluids, paints, solvents, yard waste, sediment, chemicals, and other materials.

Report flooding, stormwater issues, illicit dumping/discharge, standing water or pool drainage.

Report a Concern

    Is this guy bothering you?

As many of you may be aware, this season’s first positive mosquito sample of West Nile Virus has been identified. The sample was obtained by Maricopa County Environmental Services Department which maintains a year-round surveillance program.

Prevention is the most useful measure. You need to mosquito-proof your home by eliminating any potential mosquito-breeding sites. Remove any small measures of stagnant water including those that collect in potted plants, tires, birdbaths, and containers or bowls outside. Repair windows and door screens to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home and make certain pools and ponds are properly maintained and operational.

When outdoors, protect yourself. If possible, wear long sleeves and pants. Avoid being outdoors during dawn and after dusk when mosquitoes are most active and feeding and wear protective clothing and insect repellant when exposure to mosquitoes cannot be avoided.

The WNV is a virus that lives in mosquitoes and birds.  However, humans can sometimes be infected with the virus if they are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying the virus. People typically develop symptoms between 3 and 14 days after they are bitten by the infected mosquito. The majority of people (approximately 80%) who become infected with the virus will either have no symptoms at all or a very mild illness. About 20% will develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, and body aches, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes swollen lymph glands or a skin rash on the chest, stomach, and back. Symptoms can last for a few days, though healthy people have become sick for several weeks. Person’s over 50 or those that have a weakened immune system are generally at a higher risk for severe symptoms which occur in 1-3% of the case and include high fever, severe headache, neck stiffness, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, vision loss, numbness, and paralysis. 

West Nile Virus (WNV) is a potentially serious illness. It is common in areas such as Africa, West Asia, and the Middle East. It first appeared in the United States in the summer of 1999, Arizona in 2003, and since then has been found in all 48 contiguous states. Experts believe WNV is established as a seasonal epidemic in North America that flares up in the summer and continues into the fall.

If you become aware of a green pool or are concerned about a mosquito problem involving either public or private property, please contact the Maricopa County Vector Control Hotline, # 602-506-6616 or go to the Maricopa County Vector Control’s website at 


For more information on WNV, you can go to the CDC website at https://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/index.htm

Ready to do some work on your pool?

  Before you start pumping out the water you need to

make sure that you are meeting the City’s

pool draining requirements.

<Click Here for City of Chandler Information>

This allows homeowners to drain to their sewer line. No permit is required.

Please, Do Not Drain Pools In The Street.

Pool Draining in the City of Chandler

Please, Do Not Drain Pools In The Street.

Have you seen this guy?

Well, he’s been spotted in the neighborhood!

Click on the link below to get tips on keeping him out.

Roof Rat Information

Roof Rats in Maricopa County

What You Can Do To Control And Prevent Rats

City of Chandler requirements for sidewalk and road clearance

Within public right-of-ways, the use of plant materials that have thorns, rigid pointed blades, or needles are not recommended. Use of plants with sharp protrusions shall be restricted to areas where the mature natural growth pattern of the plant (mature horizontal spread and/or vertical canopy clearance) will remain a minimum of three feet from any pedestrian surface or bicycle lane. All plant material shall be located to prevent encroachment of normal growth patterns into a pedestrian or vehicular circulation areas and sight distance clear zones. All shrub and ground cover plantings shall maintain a minimum one-foot setback from walkways and back-of-curbs at maturity. For medians, maintain a minimum of two-foot setback from back-of-curb at maturity. Trees shall be selected and located to provide adequate vertical canopy clearance above pedestrian or vehicular circulation areas as follows: eight feet minimum above pedestrian walkways and 13’-6” minimum clearance above vehicular traffic. All trees must be located so the centerline of the tree trunk is a minimum of five feet from walls or fences. The location and position of any plant materials shall not obstruct visibility of or restrict maintenance access to any signage or traffic control devices.


The Warner Ranch 4 Board of Directors has updated the following Guidelines and forms:

  • Leasing Information Form
  • Landscape Guidelines
  • Guidelines for Architectural Improvements
  • Fine Policy
  • Architectural Change Form
  • WR4 Approved Paint Colors

Please review these documents under the HOA Documents menu.

Dog Owner?

Responsible Pet Ownership